5 Things You Must Do In Your Twenties if you want to get success in life.


In life, everyone wants to be successful who doesn’t but it’s different for every person but from my perspective success mean to be freedom and had choices that you can make and what you can do in your life.

If you also dream to be successful in life then you should to these 5 do things in your 20's.

If this sounds interesting then let’s get hop into it.

See many teenagers aims for marks and they think that if they get excellent marks then they are successful in life but haven’t you had seen those toppers who had achieved AIR 1 in any field they just appear for one year and disappear from hoardings and everyone thinks that they are successful.

No they aren’t sorry to say this I am not discouraging them but this was the harsh truth of education system where you mug up and bring highest marks in schools and colleges but those marks will not help you in your life.

No one will ask you about how much marks you had in your school or colleges I am not saying that don’t study.

Study enough to get good marks and survive those school and college period and in those period you should master a skill that you know all about it and achieve mastery in it.

5 Things You Must Do In Your Twenties if you want to get success in life.

1. Exercise to stay fit

Physical fitness

This was an important thing in life because we all know that “HEALTH IS WEALTH” many teenagers don’t exercise because they are obsessed with playing games on mobile phones, watching the idiot box.

The main aim of these things is to keep engage the user that they can get earn more and more they didn’t think about how it will affect the child or the person.

Don’t get obsessed with these kinds of games and TV’s if you are very busy and couldn’t go to the gym every day then go 3 days in a week that will also keep you fit.

And you can’t go to the gym and you are super busy then you can at least walk 1 KM a day.

Many people will say that what changes will it make in our life definitely it will make a change in your life in the long run because fitness or anything isn’t achieved in one day you had to be consistent with that thing

When you do exercise for a long time you will see changes in your self where others are filled up with various kinds of problems in their body.

Mental fitness

Fitness doesn’t mean that looking good from the outside and filled with trash in inside so to be fit from inside also you can do yoga and meditation.

Because yoga and meditation reduce your stress from the body and improve your thinking ability.

And doing exercise regularly reduce stress from your body.

2. Keep yourself up to date

To keep you up to date you should read a newspaper but reading a newspaper isn’t good why because when you read a newspaper it had both positive and negative news but more likely to be negative news it has.

So what to do then you should install apps which provide news and current updates of the world and your own country you can go to play store or app store and you can download it from there keeping update your self is very beneficial to you if you are a student then you go for interviews, GD’s where you had to speak at different topics so if you are updated then you can speak very well.

Not only for students it was helpful for all people.

3. Develop skills

If you are a student who is not getting that much of marks in exams but knows the practical application of the thing you had studied.

What happens in the world especially in India that every student just mug up to get good marks but that wasn’t good for the future because those marks will not get you anything.

So you should develop practical application skills whether it’s from what you had studied or it will be from what you want to learn.

Learn it and apply it in real life don’t just learn it and do nothing implement it and make it as your skill such that in future if you don’t get a job will not affect you because you can earn money form your skill.

4. Pursue a hobby

If you are a person that is interested in travelling, clicking photos and many more then you should do that one day in a week or you can run in parallel if you can.

Because if I will tell you a story that Steve Jobs the founder of apple company learned calligraphy as a hobby because he likes it and it helps him when he was making the apple computer he finds that what he had learned in calligraphy i.e connecting the dots had helped the most in his life.

So you should also pursue your hobby nobody knows which thing will help you where or might be it will be your career in future.

5. Learn online things

I will suggest you that you should invest your some time in learning the online kinds of stuff because the upcoming future o the world will be online whether its business, studies or anything it will be online in future.

Because technology and the world are changing every second and as the world is going towards digitally you should also learn digital kinds of stuff because it will help you in getting a job or running a business online.


These were the 5 Things You Must Do In Your Twenties if you want to get success in life if you are really concerned to achieve more in life rather than anyone you should start it earlier because if you start earlier the compounding effect will benefit you.

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