A to Z vegetables em ingles name — Translation from English to Portuguese


Translate from English to Portuguese — A to Z vegetable name

Do you want to learn Portuguese but don’t know where to start?

Then this article is for you.

Why because learning from basics is the first thing you need to do in everything when your basics are strong then only you can achieve or learn something or master something.

Are you ready to master it?

In this article, you will find that there are different vegetable from English to Portuguese.

So, this article will tell you a different vegetable from A to Z.

And translate it from English to Portuguese.

What is Artichokes in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Alcachofras

What are Asain greens in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Verdes asiaticos

What is Asparagus in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Espargos

What are Beans in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Feijoes

What is Beetroot in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Beterraba

What is Broccoli in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Brocolis

What are Brussels sprouts in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Couve de Bruxelas

What is Cabbages in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Couves

What is Capsicum in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Pimento

What is Carrot in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Cenouras

What is Cauliflower in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Couve-flor

What is Celeriac in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Aipo

What is Celery in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Salsao

What are Chilli peppers in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Malagueta

What is Chokos in Portuguese?

In Portuguese — Chokos

To know more visit translatebrazil.com



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