Camera | How our life will be without cameras??
We were going through an era where everything you want is just you can get it by just one click today’s everything is going online we have many social networks sites to share what we do and we get likes and comments on that video, pictures and other stuff that we uploaded.
Does anyone thought that what if we haven’t a camera or mobile phones to do that ??
If it’s sound’s interesting then lets’ get a hop into it.
Everyone nowadays had a smartphone with which the person can do everything he wants many of us use it as for communication and many use it as a part of life.
Don’t you ever think what if there are no camera or mobile phones then what will happen to those photos we had taken from it or the things we do in our daily life?
In earlier days we hadn’t cameras for clicking photos and capturing videos and taking every moment with us we just had memories of those moments in our minds that’s it and whenever we remind that we just feel so good and a smile comes in our face.
But now we are just clicking photos and videos to share on social media sites why?? don’t you ever think that why you uploaded that photos in social media to get some likes and comments nope there is a psychological factor behind that if you ever read a book name how to influence people and win friends that book says that if every human in this world is associated with appreciation that every person in this world want’s that appreciation from others whether it just for their clothes, their look or even a good tie they wear .
If you go towards the numbers we upload about 95 million photos on Instagram every day don’t you even know that right and that was in 2016 now it has raised above 100 million and in Facebook, it just crosses 350 million photos per day means 14.58 million photos in an hour don’t you ever thought about that.
What would happen if there were no camera in our life let me tell you that if we go to someplace we are not completely there we are just there to get some cool pictures of that place and yourself to get appreciated from others but that’s not lifelike clicking pictures to show others what about our life we didn’t even think of that.
Con’s of having cameras
Most of us go for some holiday to get relaxed and to enjoy but now we go to someplace to show others how amazing our life is and so on.
But did you actually enjoying your holiday no your mind is somewhere else thinking that what other will react to that and all other stuff?
We already had created a self-image that is destroying our life completely.
We were not enjoying our life did you feel that what a moment this was I had spent and just totally into that place, person, thing no why because we are busy to capture moments to show others what we had done here that’s not living where we are living to show others that’s why we are not happy even we had all the things which we wanted because we thought that these things will make us happy but no we aren’t happy.
Some of the people don’t like your pictures then they made some negative comments that most of our youth take very seriously and had a very negative effect on their mind why because they had already created an image of them which had harmed by the comment the other person had done on their picture many types of research show that these types of comments leads to suicide and get in to depression.
Positive things that will happen if we hadn’t a camera
The most important thing in our life is happiness that’s why we are living for we had to be thankful for everything that we had in our life but we do actually opposite of that.
If we hadn’t a camera or mobile phone we will be happy in our life because we were more involved in each and every moment we spend because then there was no one to judge on your pictures and no one to disturb you or no beeping sound when you are with someone or somewhere and you are just totally in to it .
No worry about clicking a good photo or to take a good video to upload it social media and then judge your self on the basis of how much like you get.
Learn from a child how he/she live happily in each and every moment he had in childhood nothing to worry of others opinions whether he had something or not he was always happy so you also be like that and enjoy your life and forget about what other’s think about you.
Our life is very simple and full of happiness we are making our life complicated because of all these things so don’t make it complicated use your camera and cell phones when you need to just capture the moment to make it special not fo likes and comment somewhere it will harmful for you because you are making your identity through an image that can be completely degraded by someone else comments and by not liking it .
See everything had a positive and negative side many people live their lives by social media by being a social media influencer or celebrity they were doing that because that was their work and they are getting money for that but what about others you are not getting paid for your photos and likes they why are you doing that just for likes and comment of others gives you a satisfaction of being cool or something think about it.
It’s ok to capture moments in the form of pictures but it’s not good when you are judging yourself on the basis of others opinions because not all the time other’s opinion was right sometimes people do to hurt you intentionally.
So, don’t judge yourself by what kind of pictures you take what others think of that just enjoy every moment and be happy if you care about what others think about you then you are destroying your life with this kind of thoughts.
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