COLOURED MY HAIR AGAIN TO — Why mumbiker nikhil again coloured hi hair?
Quote:- The mind act like an enemy for those who don’t control it.
This vlog is all about the hair colour of mumbiker nikhil hair.
Because Shanice is having experience in all these things and no shops were opened till now.
That’s why Shanice is applying hair colour on Nikhil’s hair.
Earlier when mumbiker nikhil coloured his hair most of his subscribers were saying that it looks on Nikhil.
But his mom was against this because he doesn’t like the colouring of hair.
Last time when he coloured his hair his mom wasn’t liking it.
But he doesn’t tell his mom that he will gonna colour his hair again.
As we all know that during this lockdown all the labours that have no work were now going their homes from big cities.
You can see the crowd that is on the road.
Even more, people, that were in foreign countries we can easily track them that they had COVID-19 or not.
But to track this amount we don’t have enough resources.
So, they went outside in order to purchase hair colour but unfortunately, only the wellness store is opened.
And to make his mom happy Nikhil was applying black colour this time.
His mom gives him the news that maybe in Maharashtra there will a lockdown till 15 June but don’t know what type of lockdown it will be.
And now the colouring procedure starts so mumbiker nikhil started to wash his hair first he thinks that he should take baths but he only washes his hair.
But after applying shampoo he realised that he should take a bath but no worry.
And if you don’t know that Shanice Shrestha will be reaching a milestone of 500k soon so make sure you help her.
Shanice s mixing the left brown colour which is left after applying in the Wasim hair and then mixing it with Nikhil black colour.
Because the packet seems to be big but it wasn’t that much to apply in Nikhil hair because Nikhil is having huge hair.
After applying black colour in mumbiker nikhil hair he was washing it after a half-hour.
But if you notice one thing is that when you see Nikhil hair it doesn’t seem so long but when he wash it then will you understand that it’s quite long.
But yes after applying black colour in his hair mumbiker nikhil looks good really.
So, Nikhil wasn’t able to give swaran paaji a birthday gift on his birthday so he gives him an air compressor as a birthday gift.
As you all know that Nikhil friends are in his home so he had taken out his car in order to drop them in their home.
And Nikhil is complaining about all the showrooms were opened but still, BMW showroom doesn’t open.
He can’t service his bike unless and until the showroom doesn’t open.
So let me know what you think about the new hair colour.