FINALLY AFTER A LONG BREAK LITTLE WARM UP !! — The sparkling eyes of mumbiker nikhil


As you had already known that mumbiker nikhil is agonized for going a ride with his new BMW GSA 1250.

So you have already know what could be happening in this vlog by seeing the title of this video.

The start of the vlog started to like where mumbiker nikhil decided to go for a ride so he started fixing his take bank on his bike.

So he started the preparation for the ride where he removes hi beard but not the moustache.

Mumbiker nikhil already thinks that he will get a haircut but somehow he is thinking to grow his hair.

You can see the happiness in mumbiker nikhil eyes where he started the ride at 4:30 in the morning.

You can see the sparkling in his eyes.

And he shows us how fitter day by day he is becoming now his old clothes and riding jackets are fitting much better then it used to before.

His helmet also started to properly fit because his overall body fat is decreased because of is regular home workout.

The person with mumbiker nikhil is going ride is Kanti Lal Aka known as KC.

They were only going for a ride to Malaysia bagh.

Whenever he goes to Dombivali he uses to remember about Beyounick and Ashish.

We all were locked in our home and can’t travel anywhere so if you want to take a feel of going somewhere out of your house.

But there’s more.



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