Rich and poor | What rich know that the poor don’t?| Why rich get richer and the poor get poorer??
All of us had listened that all the rich person are cruel they still all the wealth from the poor people but don’t you think that if you are rich by doing hard work and patience then you are evil because you have more money than others no you aren’t evil because these are the beliefs of those who were not having that money .
What were the things that make the rich get richer and the poor get poorer??
1. The programming of the mind of Rich and Poor
The main reason why rich gets richer and poor gets poorer is that belief system that has been built or programmed in you when you are a kid.
Take some time and observe why rich people kid get richer mentality or they expand their parent’s business so effectively like if you don’t know that the leading telecom company Jio was the idea of Mukesh Ambani son’s why these kids get those ideas why middle-class people get those ideas.
The main difference is that when you are 7 years old your programming was done by your parents when you learnt from your parent’s activity and behaviour when your poor parents will tell you that you can’t be that person or you can’t achieve that much or you can’t do that was the planting of that seed that will every time say that you can’t do that because your belief system was implanted in your mind.
The mentality of rich as compare to poor is very different because they think anything is possible and they can do that thing if the other person can do that why I can do that that was the mentality of the rich while the poor just think that the rich were just lucky enough to achieve that thing in their lives but no one gets luck until they work and take action for their goals and they had a strong belief system.
2. The rich people invest in assets while poor in the liabilities
The second thing was that is that our education system hasn’t taught about financial freedom and about money they just teach about how to get a job and when you say to everyone that I want to become billionaires or millionaires than other people will think that you are mad why because that is their belief system of the people.
The other thing between rich and poor is that rich people will invest in asset’s and the poor people invest in liability what does this means let me explain first what are assets and liability.
Assets are the things which in you invest you earn more from that investment it will get you more money from your investments that you had made.
For example, if you had invested your 10% of your income into the stock market, mutual funds, real estate or any other investment that will give you more money than you had invested that will be considered as assets
And the liability is that things that will degrade your money it will make your money to go from the pocket and never come back.
Suppose that you had purchased a car for waiting for a long time and saving money for that and then spend all that money in the purchase of that car and the price of the car will go on decreasing at the time you will purchase that car that was the liabilities you had made from your saving.
So, what are the difference is that in rich and poor is that the rich people invest in assets earn profit from that and after gaining profit from that assets they purchase the liabilities that they want what happened here is that they saved their net amount and purchase whatever they want from the profit they had made form the investment and comparison to that what the poor people invest in liabilities and spend all their saving in that liabilities that they want.
The rich people first invest in themselves and then pay their bills and what other people do that don’t invest in themselves they just spend all their money on liabilities.
1. Develop a mentality that will never say that I can do all the things that I want to do.
2. Don’t bother what other people will say to you about you and your dreams just remove those people from your life.
3. Invest first in yourself then spend on your expenditure investing in yourself doesn’t mean you just have to spend money on yourself you can do read books, follow a person who is successful in that field, attend seminars and many others things you can do.
4. Invest in the assets, not the liabilities.
If you want to know more these go through this:-
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