Who is Aashish Chandratreya in Mumbiker nikhil?
We all know Aashish Chandratreya in Mumbiker Nikhil vlogs but did we know all about Aashish Chandratreya?
Because not many time he appeared in mumbiker Nikhil vlogs that’s why we don’t know a lot about him.
So, what if I will give you a detail description all about Aashish Chandratreya.
Isn’t it exciting?
Let’s get started then.
Who is Aashish Chandratreya?
Aashish Chandratreya is one of the mumbiker Nikhil friends but mumbiker Nikhil considers Aashish as his little brother.
And the age of Aashish is 23 years old.
By profession, he is a photographer and cinematographer.
But there’s a lot more about mumbiker Nikhil.
Which you need to know..
And you can find it on [mumbikernikhilvlogs.com]