What makes Mumbiker Nikhil leave Shanice?
When mumbiker Nikhil and Shanice Shrestha were best friends Shanice is already doing good in his acting career.
But Nikhil is still finding what he could do best.
And when a girl or a boy is best friend somehow they will fall in love not all of them.
So, knowing that what Nikhil is doing will work or not he is not sure about is so he said to Shanice that if something bad happened to me or if I couldn’t do anything well I will leave.
Because if you love someone you support them at their bad time but what mumbiker Nikhil thinks is that when you are facing bad time.
The love between the two was started fading.
If you wanted to know more about it then go to {mumbikernikhilvlogs.com}
Here the life and secrets of mumbiker Nikhil are portrayed.