WHATEVER IT TAKES !!! — No matter what I will take out my car


Quote: No one who does good work will come to a bad end

Start of the vlog we can see that Shanice is making food for mumbiker nikhil.

And Shanice realized that how the kitchen should look like.

Because mumbiker nikhil is a bachelor he hasn’t someone to look hi house.

And whenever he wants to eat something he goes to his mom house that’s why he hadn’t something in his kitchen.

The best thing is that Wasim is back on Nikhil’s house.

And Wasim is saying that earlier in the fridge there is an only half-filled water bottle and nothing else.

After a long time, Nikhil is wearing jeans.

This is happening to all I also don’t know when I had worn my jeans because of this lockdown we can’t go anywhere.

And we had to wear just lowers and t-shirts.

If the same happening to you tell me in the comment box.

The only thing mumbiker Nikhil back into shape is that he didn’t skip his leg workout whether he skip his other body parts but he didn’t skip his leg workout.

Because the leg is the half portion of your body so it should be strong enough.

If you haven’t seen in the earlier vlogs where mumbiker nikhil said that this box will be opened when warm will come.

This is the time where he unboxes the box and it had lots of protein powder and Myprotein products.

But there’s more.



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