Why is Mumbiker Nikhil not gaining subscribers on his YouTube channel?


In today’s article we will be talking about Why is Mumbiker Nikhil not gaining subscribers on his YouTube channel?

Because it’s been more than a year that mumbiker nikhil has been stuck in 3 million subscribers.

And we will give you the reasons Why is Mumbiker Nikhil not gaining subscribers on his YouTube channel?

So, let’s get started.

Why is Mumbiker Nikhil not gaining subscribers on his YouTube channel?

According to Youtube Mini in their latest article that they had released, they had shown that if you want your subscribers or views to grow the one and the most important thing is.

High CTR & Watch time.

So, how you can get High CTR?

Through thumbnails which are more likely to clickable by viewers.

Let’s take some of the recent mumbiker nikhil videos thumbnails.

As you can see that the number of views was constant between (700k — 900k) in the videos that were uploaded regularly you can say daily vlogs.

But if you see this video thumbnails which got more views than the constant videos what you can clearly see is that there is suspense in the thumbnails.

So, as Youtube Mini says that if your thumbnail has some emotions, suspense then people were more likely to click on it.

And once more and more people were clicking it Youtube got to know that this particular video is getting engagement.

Youtube will push the videos to the users which were likely to watch that type of videos in their suggestion and home feed.

Now let’s dig deeper.

When we see the Mumbiker nikhil channel analytics in Social blade.

Here’s what we get to know.

This above screen shot says that the videos is uploaded in Feb 19 2021.

And if you see in social blade analytics of the channel you can see the increase in subscribers count.

Reason for gaining subscribers because of the suspense and emotion of thumbnails in the videos not only in these videos.

To know more about mumbiker nikhil: Home — Mumbiker Nikhil Vlogs



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