Youtube vs TikTok(2020) — Who will win the fight between Youtube vs TikTok?


Before going the Fact that which is best youtube vs Tiktok.

First, we will see the facts


Youtube had 2 billion users worldwide.

And knowing the fact that this youtube vs TikTok was started in India so let’s also talk about that.

In India, youtube had 265 million active users which are huge.


Talking about TikTok it has 800 million users.

And in India Tiktok has over 119 million active users.

Seeing the fact that in India youtube had more active users than TikTok.

Why the fight between Youtube vs Tiktok started?

We all know that previous years TikTok was basically known as musically and it was banned in India because of its cringe content and adult content.

Because TikTok was promoting adult content it was banned in India.

But now in 2020 what was happened is that there is a fight between some YouTuber and Tiktokers that their platform is best.

So, in that fight, many YouTubers and Tiktokers were in to justify why their platform is better than the other.

Tiktokers were saying that they had to all the thing alone they hadn’t the team, expensive camera etc that’s true.

But as knowing the fact most of the content on TikTok right now also had adult content and TikTok promote that content.

And when we talk about youtube not everyone can be content creators here you had to provide some value not just entertain.

The truth about Youtube vs TikTok?

The thing is in both the platform the hard work is required.

But to entertain an audience in TikTok for just 15 seconds is much easier than to hook the viewers for 10–15 min videos.

Talking about the audience we can say that TikTok had an audience base which is everyone educated and uneducated and they are creators and TikTok promotes their content.

But not in the case of youtube you had to have a good amount of knowledge in your niche that doesn’t require in TikTok.

And when it comes to adult content youtube doesn’t promote all these things as TikTok do promote any kinds of stuff…

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